
In my twenties, I enjoyed a fulfilling life as a happy and healthy wife and mother of two wonderful boys. However, in my early thirties, my health took a sudden and alarming downturn, leaving me feeling scared and adrift. Despite consulting with multiple doctors, none could provide me with answers until I found an Endocrinologist who delivered a cancer diagnosis. To make a long story short, I underwent surgery to remove the affected organ and underwent several treatments until I was eventually declared cancer-free. It was at this point that my journey truly began.

Despite being cancer-free, I continued to suffer from the same debilitating symptoms I had experienced before, compounded by the fact that I was now reliant on a plethora of pharmaceuticals for life. This perplexing situation drove me to delve into the 'why' behind my illness. I wasn't asking 'why me,' but rather, I sought to understand why my body had developed cancer. I was living a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, eating well, and enjoying plenty of fresh country air. A cancer diagnosis just didn't align with my understanding of health.

Taking a leap of faith, I decided to consult with a Traditional Naturopath who introduced me to a whole new realm of possibilities. It took roughly a year, but I managed to gradually reduce my dependence on pharmaceuticals, and my symptoms began to recede. I started feeling like myself again. Over the next few years, I dedicated myself to naturally rebalancing my body, ultimately achieving a symptom-free life.

Over the following decade, my thirst for knowledge led me to pursue education in the field not once, but twice. Today, I am eager to share my wealth of knowledge with you. Your voice and your symptoms are of utmost importance to me. I don't offer quick fixes in the form of pills; instead, I serve as your guide on your unique health journey. I am committed to continually expanding my expertise and helping others live their best lives.